Fashioning Sudan - One year in

Project updates and example of ongoing research

One year after the official beginning of the Fashioning Sudan project, we thought it opportune to start our seminar series with an introduction to the project itself.

The overall goal of the project is to study past Sudanese identities through the archaeology of dress practices, thanks to the formidable preservation of textile and animal skin garments found in Sudan and Nubia. This presentation will detail the approach of the project and our main research questions. How can we, as archaeologists, recognize tenets of ‘identity’ in garments? How did past populations craft their identities through the manufacture of their garments? In addition, how did clothing help them perform these identities during life and death? We will present the work plan we designed to help answering these questions and our current activities.

In a second part, we will develop our ongoing case study on loincloths, which formed a specific type of male outfit sometimes combined with an apron or belt. Attested by many iterations and developments of similar specimens through time and space, this outfit helped fashioning the identity of specific groups of the ancient population.

Presenters: Elsa Yvanez, Magdalena M. Wozniak, and Laura Viñas Caron.

Funded by the European Union (ERC Fashioning Sudan, 101039416). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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